Meet Your Eye Doctor
Board-Certified Ophthalmologists, Fellowship-Trained Surgeons & Licensed Optometrists
At Sight360, we’ve assembled the most capable and credentialed board-certified eye doctors, fellowship-trained surgeons and licensed optometrists across every specialty of vision health, including general ophthalmology, cataract, glaucoma, retina, cornea, ocular plastics, medical and routine optometry. As a team, we collaborate and coordinate your eye care to provide a complete vision health experience.
Find an Eye Doctor Near You (Select One of The Drop Downs) Vision insurance plans and benefits change all the time. If you do not see your plan, please call our office to check.
Our Care Principles
In all things, our eye doctors strive to serve you professionally and compassionately by upholding these important care principles
Act Reliably
We Honor Our Word
Your eye doctor will do what she or he says they will do, and when, so that you can consistently rely on and trust the care you receive.
Care Comprehensively
We Demonstrate Care in all that We Do
From a friendly smile, to a gentle explanation of a disease, condition or treatment plan, your eye doctor is dedicated to care fully for you and your eyes.
Perform Responsibly
We Champion Every Aspect of Patient Care
Your eye doctor will act with the highest level of integrity, transparency, responsibility and accountability, and is always approachable for consultation and collaboration.
Share Knowledge Generously
We Go Above & Beyond in the Consultation of Care Options
Your eye doctor shares knowledge, carefully coaches and empowers you to make factually informed decisions about your treatment plan.
Deliver Excellence Consistently
We Provide Exceptional Care and Impeccable Service
Your eye doctor is commited to excellence across every exchange and encounter, from the first moment you meet, to the provision of care services and all follow-up visits.